Saturday, January 27, 2007

World War III

World War III has already begun, says Israeli spy chief
Former head of Israel's intelligence service tells Portuguese newspaper it would take at least 25 years before battle against fundamentalist terrorism is won; says nuclear strike by Muslim terrorists 'very likely' AFP Published: 01.27.07, 20:32

"A third World War is already underway between Islamic militancy and the West but most people do not realize it, the former head of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad said in an interview published Saturday in Portugal.
‘We are in the midst of a third World War,’ former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy told weekly newspaper Expresso.
‘The world does not understand. A person walks through the streets of Tel Aviv, Barcelona or Buenos Aires and doesn’t get the sense that there is a war going on,’ said Halevy who headed Mossad between 1998 and 2003.
‘During World War I and II the entire world felt there was a war. Today no one is conscious of it. From time to time there is a terrorist attack in Madrid, London and New York and then everything stays the same.’
Violence by Islamic militants has already disrupted international travel and trade just as in the previous two world conflicts, he said.
Halevy, who was raised in war-time London, predicted it would take at least 25 years before the battle against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is won and during this time a nuclear strike by Islamic militants was likely.
‘It doesn’t have to be something very sophisticated, It doesn’t have to be the latest nuclear technology, it can be something simple like a dirty bomb which instead of killing millions only kills tens of thousands,’ he said.
Halevy served as an envoy for former Israeli Prime Ministers Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres and is a former Israeli ambassador to the European Union."

And a comment underneath:
" I Can't Decide . . . . . . if this is a scare tactic or for real. For some time, I too have felt the Muslim world has declared war on the West and all non-Muslims.
There is a slight variation between the two: Except for Jews and the Western world in general, the populations will be given the opportunity to convert and be fully accepted. Jews, the US and its allies are not to be given the choice. They are to be killed regardless.
The part of what Halevy says that *may* be just a scare tactic is the nuclear scenario. It is certainly within the realm of probability, but I don't know if they will really do it. If a device is detonated locally, i.e. somewhere in the Middle East, there is too much of a chance of the fallout, particularly from a dirty bomb, coming back to their territory. Yes, though, I think it is more probable they would try this on another continent . . . such as North America, South America or Western Africa. emanon , USA (01.27.07) "

World War III.....there was an excellent article I read, and still probably have the link to relating to was written a few years ago too, if I remember correctly...
I wonder if it made a difference if we called this situation WWIII or not. Maybe it'd open people's eyes a little to the fact that it's not a matter of negotiations. It's not even a matter of human rights or human suffering.The funniest thing - and it keeps circumventing through my head, over and over, over and over - is that there are so many people who want revolution, who want a 'peaceful' 'beautiful' world, who want...whatever... still intend to strive for it using the blunt Machiavelien concept of...POWER.That's what war is all about...That's why it doesn't matter how many times you shake every person's hand.People are naive. People are easily taken to connect and relate with causes. People are easily subject to vehement conviction.
The sad thing is that while we're fighting a war of power, we're still trying to convince ourselves that we're really just looking for a peaceful negotiation that'll make EVERYONE happy and perfect. We're looking to 'solve the war'.
It's so insane, Machiavelli would look at modern leaders and have a nice riot of laughter because we are so ridiculously naive, that when we overpower, and when we thrust down the stick, say 'enough bullshit', and hit the [growing and strengthing] tease, we back off half way, scared off by our...conscience? Not only do we back off, but we take two steps backwards, apologize, and put our hands down as we watch our intimidators swing their own bats endlessly, closer and closer, threatening to hit at any moment. In fact, they do hit us, again, and again, and once in a while we'll take a step forward, but then OOPS, there goes that dellusive conscience again.
It's really rather pathetic. We say we want to survive, but we're daunting ourselves with all these causes and deceptive utopian desires, and what's really happening is that we're inhibiting our ability to put up our end in a war that's allready happening.
As far as Machiavelli goes, it is the powerful and the victors who determine history, laws, how things are. The West remains as such as of now, but it is continuously trying to push away what is both the privilage and responsibility of deciding and setting. There are faint attempts, as in 'liberating Iraq' but the truth is, power is receding. We've been waiting, pushing around, walking back and forth, and back and forth, trying to pretend that something has changed; that we are being 'better'.
Actually, what we've been doing is letting loose, and stepping aside for our power to be stripped, in a world that is more machiavelian now than ever before. We were so caught up in victory, that we decided to we didn't need another one. That worked for a while, but everytime we're touched, we send a half-response. We cower away, regardless of the force of the approach, and we show that we are not ready for another one. Everytime we cower as such, that is, walk away in our humanitarian dignity, we throw off a few metric tons of collatoral power, and with it control and security.
We walk around wait and wait and wait until the people who very vibrantly detest us, and like to project this hate with utmost exhuberance, are less intimidated by us, plot against us, get stronger and stronger, throw more and more strikes and blows.
I don't know if it's already World War III, but maybe if it was, the Western World would wake up a little. I don't think even Machiavelli could help us now, for victory has apparently lasted too long, and it's made us devoid as defenders of it. It's been taken for granted, and deemed worthless. We're all free to be as such because someone before us; someone from whom we descended - won. Our freedom is being challanged. Our abilities are being challenged. Mosti mportantly, our survival is beineg challenged.
It's not that war is right. It's not that forcing yourself to be ruthless is excusable. I hold firm beliefs in morals and principles. Nevertheless, when someone keeps punching you, and you let it go, all that happens is you get a black eye. and then you get a skull fracture.
We're on the same Earth; we can't walk away.

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