The whole thing is crazy, and I'll get into my own opinions later (I think they mirror the general consensus anyway), but I there was a really ridiculous article about his speech yesterday on haaretz.com (http://www.haaretz.com/has
en/spages/817457.html) and not that I'm defending Katsav, but this article is nothing short of published hate mail, and a bit disgraceful to the name of Haaretz, but ANYWAY the comments were far more interesting than the article itself.
en/spages/817457.html) and not that I'm defending Katsav, but this article is nothing short of published hate mail, and a bit disgraceful to the name of Haaretz, but ANYWAY the comments were far more interesting than the article itself.
It's always more interesting to know what people think than pre-biased journalists who may or may not represent anyone but themselves.So my favorite was this one, because I found it hilarious:
"Title: katsav the rapist Name: sympathetic
Did you get a look at Katsav`s wife? No wonder he was trying to force himself on all those young women. My god, could you imagine what it`s been like for him to go to bed with that ugly woman for all these years. Have some pity on the guy, you animals "
hahahahaha I liked this one too, because the second part really expressed what i felt, reading the article:
" Title: missing logic Name: kobi City: J-m State: Israel
Avirama, where is your logic? It was a great one-actor show. Journalists (including yourself) got a lot of hot material to write about... You should be satisfied. On the other hand, I find your terminology "captive audience"successful. In fact it exactly reflects what I feel when start browsing through our newspapers (including this article) in a hope to get some info and get instead mediocrity, bias, dirt. "
An interesting observation:
"Title: Katsav Name: Zappa City: Holon
Of 20 responses only 2 agree with Golan. Apparently Haaretz represents the opinion of only 10% of its readers. 90% support Katsav`s call for a hostile media reform and improvement in police hegemony. "
There are a bunch more to a similar effect. Then there are a few that made a bit less sense:
"Title: Poor Man`s Gideon Levy,Avirama Golan Name: Absolute Sweden State: SwedenRelegated to backpages of "Haaretz" despite writing basically identical text to Gideon`s one,adorning the front page.Is it because the "Haaretz" is sexist and piggishly man-dominated,eeh Avirama?So perhaps you should rather direct your flak at Amos Schocken instead of Pres.Katzav,Ms.Golan.Btw what an imperialist surname you bear,Avirama "
"Title: So what will the pals do with the million bullets you .. Name: Jerry City: Manchester
whacko israelis gave to them?? " [HUH?]
More Annoyed ones:
"Title: OK. So give Israel back to the Europeans if Name: John City: NJ State: USA
you left wing BS israeli guys dont want it "
"Title: Keep tearing down your own country all you madmen Name: Peter J City: Westminster London
Only Almighty G-d protect the Holy Land "
hmm....interesting indeed.Overall, I think the majority consensus is still summarized best by:
"Title: Shame on "our" press, leave us alone already! Name: Gabi City: State: Israel
This repeated article of a single opinion is a bad product of what many brave people have fought for: The free press! Shame on them inflamers! We don`t need them to tell us what to do."the hostile media": a "powerful institution with an elitist, destructive and arrogant agenda that exerts extortionist power over the police, prosecution and attorney general"? YES! And we better get them worms to shut up soon. "
Funny how it's the Israelis that are commenting on the media (there was one comment by an Israeli saying that Matsav has disgraced everyone and should resign, but it did not encompass the passionate persiflage of the article) and people from the US and UK who are most aligning themselves with the article more...I think this all goes just to support my view.
I'm not defending Katsav in terms of the charges, once again, but it's really all entirely besides the point. Honestly, (though it is disgraceful, etc.) I don't really care if he's guilty or not, and I don't think anyone really does. The fact is that he is in a disgraceful situation as is right now, and he should resign, if for the sake of controversy at least. As president, it is his virtue to regard the country before his own honor. Ideally, I would say he should resign, and then contest the charges. More so, I'm (half-jokingly) pretty sure that the reason he hasn't done so is more because of his wife than anything else. If he were to resign, it would be like admitting to the allegations in a sort, and whereas Israel would eventually more or less forget about it, his wife sure as hell wouldn't. lol.In spite all of this, what's going on with Matsav is so minuscule and ridiculously off-base that it's a useless waste of media trash. Israel's got a lot more going on with it than the sexual life of its president (who, btw for Americans who may not know, does not serve the same function as an American president does - I think that's more the prime minister, but it's a different system all together). I guess it's a nice front page story for the New York Times to print several hundred times, and for people to whine about and analyze and whatever, but REALLY guys. I mean, there are just so many more important things...
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