Monday, January 29, 2007

Why does the world insist on being deaf and blind?

I'm not even going to say anything about the suicide bombing that just took place in Eilat, most likely because of weak border control along the border with Egypt, and claimed by two Palestinian org's although it is thought to be the partly work of 'The Army of Believer's aka Al Queda. There's a lot to say, but suicide bombings - פגועים -are just an effect. Just like that extra lightning or real-looking blood in a good movie. They are the heads cut off in a dramatic scene, but they are not the murder.

The thing with פגועים is that even though people condemn terrorism, they find ways to justify it or to deny it, or resent it, or put it on perspective scales and all kinds of bullshit. Anything to avoid dealing with it, and to interfere with the people who do want to deal with it.

What all these 'deniers' are still missing in their vast humanitarian speeches is the real and conspicuous spectrum of perspesctives, motivations, and plans that refute all of their beautiful, heart-warming arguments. OOPS.

Here's what our wonderful peace-loving liberal friends aren't putting on the front page (unlike stories of how the Israeli gov't built infrastructure on illegal land, and much more importantly, how the President had affairs with a bunch of women [because at least Clinton stuck to one]) :

a) In regard to Israeli arabs:
"We went to the Galilee to meet with representatives of three of the largest, most mainstream Arab Israeli political parties. Despite minor differences among them, they all shared the following: (a) they do not acknowledge any difference between themselves and the Palestinians and now want to be called Israeli Palestinians, not Israeli Arabs; (b) they insist that their ''brothers'' be given a state with East Jerusalem as its capital; (c) they insist on the right of return for the refugees (a huge political issue here that gets little play in the West, probably because everyone knows that it will never happen); (d) they insist that if the state genuinely wants to respect them as citizens, then the national anthem and its references to 2,000 years of Jewish yearning for Zion has to go. So far, no real surprises.
'The most articulate of the three speakers, the leader of a major Arab party represented in the Knesset, responded more or less as follows: ''Your question shows that you don't really understand the Middle East. The Middle East is a Muslim part of the world, and this country will ultimately be Muslim, too. It may happen next year, or in 50 years, or in a hundred years. But it's going to happen. The sooner you accept the inevitable, the sooner the region will know peace, and then we can all get on with life.'"

-Dispatches of David Gordis Dec '00
Gordis, David. "E-Mail From An Anxious State". NYT. (published) 09.30.01

Europe and its future:
"A British television documentary, 'Dispatches: Undercover Mosque,' broadcast on Sunday evening on the UK's Channel 4 has uncovered hate-filled speeches and rhetoric delivered in a number of British mosques, and directed against 'unbelievers,' Jews, Christians, and gays, among others, as well as religious justifications of marriages between prepubescent girls and adult men.

'Some of the mosques targeted by the program were previously considered to be centers of moderate Islam in Britain. One mosque featured in the video was associated with a Muslim leader working with the British government to strengthen ties between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

'The program's female narrator warned of "an ideology of intolerance and bigotry spreading throughout Britain, with its roots in Saudi Arabia," as images of the mosques and worshippers flashed across the screen.

'One preacher was seen saying: "We Muslims have been ordered to do brainwashing."

'The main English-language speaker of a Birmingham mosque, Abu Usama, who is an American convert to Islam, spread hatred of Christian and Jews in the footage.
'In the film, British Muslims at a mosque were told that that Islam will eventually gain "the uppermost strength" and form an Islamic state. They were instructed to "form a state within a state, until we take over."

'In the Islamic state, Abu Usama said if a Muslim tried to leave Islam, he would be killed. "If the imam wants to crucify him he should crucify him. The person is put up on the wood and he's left there to bleed to death for three days," he said."

Lappin, Yaakov. "UK TV uncovers 'Islamic supremacism':Documentary goes undercover in British mosques, finds 'ideology of bigotry' " . Y-net News. 01.16.07,7340,L-3353122,00.html

"One senior German politician warned this week of an Islamic cell he called "fanatic," planning more attacks in hiding.
"In Germany there are 3,000-5,000 Islamist activists who are planning to use violence, possibly even suicide attacks," said Guenther Beckstein, a likely candidate to become Germany's next interior minister


[Ernst Orlau, a senior official in Germany's intelligence community] said the attacks in London and Madrid were local initiatives carried out by local activist cells, with no foreign planning aid or instruction"

Bodoni, Ronen. "Is Europe waking up to terrorism?: European Muslims who travel to Iraq to fight the infidel are returning 'home' experienced, determined, and evermore extreme " Y-net News. 09.16.05.,7340,L-3143006,00.html

"40 percent of British Muslims surveyed in a Sunday Times poll after 9-11 believed Osama bin Laden was “justified” in his war against America. They even supported those of their coreligionists from Britain who volunteered to fight with the Taliban against the Western allies.


'Sheikh Bakri himself has warned Jews in Britain to avoid any support for Israel lest they “become targets for Muslims.”


'This highly inflammable cocktail embracing Palestine, jihad, the dream of a worldwide caliphate, Koranic indoctrination, and classical Judeophobia, was exposed by the Old Bailey trial of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal, in February 2003.
The cleric, a Jamaican convert to Islam educated in Saudi Arabia, was found guilty of inciting to murder and racial hatred on the basis of his lectures and videocassettes - some of them on sale at specialty bookshops in Britain - and sentenced to nine years in prison.
Overwhelming evidence was produced at the trial to demonstrate his encouragement for a violent jihad to kill non-believers. Particular venom was reserved for the “filthy Jews.” In a spine-chilling speech which seemed to anticipate the May 2003 suicide mission of Hanif to Tel Aviv, el-Faisal ranted:
People with British passports, if you fly into Israel it is easy…. Fly into Israel and do whatever you can. If you die, you are up in Paradise. How do you fight a Jew? You kill a Jew. "

Wistrich, Robert S., Azure. "Center of hatred: London increasingly emerging as radical Islamic, anti-Semitic hub". Y-net News. 07.07.05,7340,L-3109589,00.html

There's really much, much more. I didn't really get into the foundation prapoganda, like the text books that teach about how Jews and Westerners are decendents of pigs, nor did I include stuff that has made it into mainstream newspaper headlines, like the infinite calls for the destruction of Israel by the likes of Ahmedinejad, Hezbolla, Islamic Jihad, blah blah blah.

It's not even the point that they hate us and want to kill us. We already knew that. It's that the very same youth that the West likes to defend as helpless and opressed; the youth that if simply exposed to the kindness, humanity, and good will of the West, as opposed to 'grievences', will abandon their desperate resistance movements and attacks - won't. It's really rather simple.
There is an overreaching group of people, who is taught everyday that they are superior to the West, and that they should triumph over it. It's not a quest for freedom, it's a quest for dominance.


We're deeply into World War III, the 'Clash of Civilizations', the war for survival, near Apocalypse, whatever.
Point and case, grievences aren't the problem - our survival is getting there, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!!! SUSAN! read this book:
We Just Want To Live Here by Amal Rifa'i and Odelia Ainbinder with Sylke Tempel.

it's about two girls (one palestian, one israeli) and they're writing letters to each other, back and forth about the intifada. it's my all time favorite book as of right now. and i seriously think you should read it, because ur so into this stuff. (and i GET ur post! just cause i read this book!) <3 love you.
viva la israel! :D