Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sex, Drugs, and REALITY CHECKS.

I'm so tired of the excuse: "I know it's bad, but I want to experiment so I can find myself."

I have two main critiques:

Firstly, what the hell do you expect to find? You'll know that you'll either like it or dislike it. If you dislike it, you'll either keep doing it until it grows on you (coughcoughADDICTIONMUCH?coughcough), or stop; or you'll like it and you'll keep doing and doing it.
If you know it's 'bad', why would you search for justification to do it? I've heard the 'it feels good' and the 'i've started, now i can't stop' shit a hundred times, but this doesn't exist before you tried it. By doing it, you're hoping to get some sort of benefit from it, obviously. No one (except sadists and masachists) does something they expect a negative result from. Therefore what you're doing is, doing something you 'know is bad' in hopes of liking it, and therefore getting caught in the 'it feels good'.
So you're trying to 'find yourself' a druggie or a consistant smoker or whatever. Goal accomplished? I bet that's not what you drew for 'what I want to be when I grow up' in 3rd grade.

Secondly, the excuse can be interpreted as being skeptical of activity x being 'bad', and wanting to experiment to find out for yourself.
Have you ever killed a person? Have you had a close one be killed?
You know killing is 'bad' though, right? When you read that someone was killed in the paper, you sympathize, don't you?
Your mommy and daddy told you it's bad when you were still wearing pajamas with feet coverings. Your teacher told you so in second grade. If you're religious, the ten commandments told you so. The constitution says so. The TV and movies that you watched growing up, the books you've read, the negative conotations towards murder in the news media, all told you that murder is bad, and that it is prohibited.
You understand that it is bad and sinful to perpetrate, and you don't even have a drop of blood on your hands.
This can go for thousands of things.
It is an undisputed, statistical fact that drug habits lead to not only health complications and risks (not only in direct damage), but in social hemorage.
There are constantly stories of hookers so desperate that they will take a client for 5 dollars worth of cocaine. Much of the 80's was characterized by gang wars, mass violence, health crises, destroyed lives - it was called 'The Cocaine Wars' for a reason.There are stories of how LSD users tear their apartments apart tile by tile, brick by brick - all because they saw something soul-searchingly evil in the walls. These are just a few, miniscule examples of the hundreds, and thousands of stories and facts we know, showing how absolutely detrimental they are - and btw some of the strong drugs, especially, are addictive in as little as two uses.

We hear all the time about cancers, hepatitis, HIV - all kinds of diseases - that seam directly to (cigarettes are drugs) drug use and/or permiscuity.

There are few people who are stupid enough to say that these things are not 'bad', and if you have the audacity to question that, you are fooling no one but yourself.

Let's wrap it all up together - there is nothing good you are searching for in persuing drugs/smoking/permiscuity/xyz. Stop making excuses that fool you, but surely not me., and just own up to it; if you do it, it's for the sake of doing it of it. There's no deep and meaningful rationale.

Kids born to Cocain addicts have a physical addiction from birth--------------------------->

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